Project Description

Title: TA to the SADC Secretariat to Enhance Regional Integration and Harmonisation of Competition and Consumer Policy

Project Location: SADC Secretariat and Member States

The purpose of this project was to strengthen the capacity of the SADC Secretariat in order to foster regional integration and harmonization of competition and consumer policy in the SADC Member States. The project promoted coherence in the region with respect to competition law, provide support to Member States with new and emerging national competition authorities and facilitate the regional integration process. In addition, the project enhanced private sector confidence in the regional market by facilitating transparency and consistency in the interpretation and application of competition law so businesses can be encouraged to pursue robust economic activities/transactions across Member States.

This assignment involved:

  • Strengthening the internal capacity at the SADC Secretariat;
  • Enhancing cooperation between competition authorities in the SADC region;
  • Strengthening cooperation and knowledge exchange platforms between relevant stakeholders in the field of competition policy in the SADC region;
  • Raising awareness among governments, the private sector and the public about the need for competition policy and its application and harmonization in SADC Member States.